Vampires: Guide Them to Safety! - Soundtrack (PC)

USD 2.24
USD 4.00
What's inside?
Vampires: Guide Them to Safety! soundtrack composed by Jan Kavan
Available both as MP3 files and High quality 24 bit FLAC files
1. Introduction - 0:47
2. Welcome to Transylvania - 4:46
3. Coffin March - 3:30
4. Queen has Arisen - 2:44
5. Dream of Blood - 2:02
6. Vampire Dance - 2:12
7. Ancient Castle - 1:20
8. Vampire, go home! - 2:11
9. Crypt Rock - 1:51
Total playtime: 21:23
Where I find it?
In your steam client go to Library->Music and you will see an album called "Vampires"
FLAC files are not playable through Steam. To find them quickly do the following steps:
1. right click on the game and select Properties
2. enter tab Local Files
3. Click on "Browse Local Files" button
4. Browser will pop up and you can see folder Vampires Soundtrack
5. From here you can copy both MP3 or FLAC files to a place of your liking!